
How My Baby things works

1. Browse gear & toys

Choose from our selection of rentable baby gear and toys. Reserve items for your family within minutes.

2. Schedule delivery

We deliver your items sanitized. Enjoy them as long as you like, then we'll pick them up when you're done. It's that simple.

3. Swap or return anytime

We know that what you need can change quickly - we'll pick up or swap your items exactly when you want. And with a membership, you get unlimited swaps.

Included with all our rentals

Deliveries and pick-ups to your schedule

Items thoroughly cleaned, inspected and sanitized

Minimum to no packaging waste

Items are pre-assembled or set-up in home

Join today

Members get even more

  • Exclusive member pricing, save 30% or more on all rentals
  • Free deliveries and pick ups, you can try and swap whenever you need
  • MBabythings coverage, membership covers normal wear + tear and minor damage
  • ‘Never pay more than retail’ benefit, once you’ve paid an item’s retail value, we’ll stop charging you the rental price as long as you’re a member

[wps_membership_buy_now plan_id= 44202]

You've got questions. We've got answers


Our safety and cleaning protocol begins with a rigorous quality assurance inspection and documentation of each item between every rental to ensure it functions safely and per the manufacturers specifications. Items that do not meet these specifications are pulled from inventory and repaired or replaced as needed. Items are cleaned per the manufacturer’s specifications between every rental. We use a variety of cleaning products and materials, listed below, that are child safe, eco-friendly and less harmful to the environment. Products used for cleaning include:

For all customers, your billing date will remain the same each month. Your first month of any item rental is paid up front, and we use that charge as a credit upon your next recurring bill date to keep your billing in sync regardless of when you have items delivered.
If you join as a member, you’ll pay at check out for the first month of items (and your membership if it’s your first-ever order). Then we won’t bill you again for those items until a month after we deliver the items to you, so you never have to pay for time not used!
Visit our membership page for more details.

Normal wear and tear is completely expected and our LoopCare team ensures every returned item is up to standards before sharing with the next family.

Membership includes insurance coverage. For any damage that is larger and/or impacts the ability to use the product we have a “don’t sweat the small stuff” policy for our members. We won’t charge members for any damage that is repairable, or for any damage that requires replacement of an item and/or parts that retail for CHF 50 or less. For higher-valued items, or if abuse is suspected, we reserve the right to charge up to 50% of the item’s retail value.

We don’t currently offer the ability to purchase rented items.
If you’re a member, our never pay more than retail policy ensures that for continuous product rentals, you’ll never pay more than the retail price + tax that is listed on You must maintain your membership throughout the rental period in order to qualify. Once your continuous monthly payments add up to the retail price of an item, we will stop charging you for it on subsequent monthly payments. You can hold onto it as long as you like as long as you remain a member. Once you’re done with the item, we’ll pick it up just like any other rental item.

Still have questions?

Send us a message, and we will get back to you within 2 days.

Our most rented products

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